Requests for Help

Jeannette - Requests help with food, basic survival - $150.

Rotina - Requests sponsors for any of her four children so they can attend school - $550/year per child.

Yvon - Requests a sponsor for his son, Dave - $550/year.

Jennie - Requests a sponsor for her niece, Leika - $550/year.

Viola - Requests a sponsor for Roseberline, a niece she cares for - $550/year.

Amsterlie - Pleads for help so she can continue her education at a university - $1000+ per year.

Richard - Burdened with funeral expenses for his father, he pleads for help to pay his annual rent - $500.

Wilton - Requests money to start a small business - $500.

Flamessia - Requests help to continue her small business - $250.

Magdala - Requests help to do commerce so she can support herself and her infant child - $250.

Marie-Helene - Requests help to  do commerce - $250.

Dinia - Requests help to  do commerce - $250.

Cassandre - Pleads for help so that her uncle can have surgery in the Dominican Republic to get a pacemaker - $3500.

Brunelson - He is a seminarian requesting help with school expenses:   books, clothes, etc. - $150/semester.

Rose - She came to Miami through the “Biden Program” which allows Haitians to work in the US.  She pleads for help to pay the $680 immigration fee so she can legally work here.   

Andy - He and his fiancé plead for help so they can build two rooms where they can live - $2500.

And there are many, many more in desperate need.

Thank you for visiting

St. Joseph The Worker is committed to the people of Haiti.  You can assist with the personal and educational development of individuals and groups in Haiti.  The Foundation also provides care and relief for Haiti's medically ill and impoverished. Please consider a donation using the PayPal link below.