About St. Joseph Worker Foundation, Inc.

Aside from brief mention in the early chapters of the synoptic gospels, very little is known about St. Joseph and his life.

Much of St. Joseph's story has been developed over the centuries from speculation and stories.

Without question, Joseph was a man of compassion and virtue. While Jewish law allowed Joseph to divorce Mary when her pregnancy was revealed, Joseph opened his heart to listen to God's will, made clear by the angel's visit to him in a dream.

He followed God's direction and welcomed Mary and her unborn child into his protection and home.

When the life of the infant Jesus was threatened by Herod, Joseph took his young family to Egypt where they remained for several years. Imagine moving to a new home without the known security of a job and a place to live awaiting them. Yet, Joseph and Mary's unquestionable faith in God provided them the courage to face the unknown.

Joseph lived a very ordinary life of husband and father without fanfare or public recognition. He accepted the simple path to which God called him and devoted himself to providing for those God entrusted to his care.

St. Joseph the Worker 
Pray for us and our families.

Help us to grow in learning
each day and find
meaningful work
to provide for all
who are placed in our care.

Grant your protection and prayers
for our world, our leaders,
and all who live in need.
May the peace of God reign in our land.


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St. Joseph The Worker is committed to the people of Haiti.  You can assist with the personal and educational development of individuals and groups in Haiti.  The Foundation also provides care and relief for Haiti's medically ill and impoverished. Please consider a donation using the PayPal link below.