Michaely AMichaely:

The difficulty there is in my country is that you go to school and cannot find the professor. The people are always
stopping school. We don’t get a chance to see the works the professor wanted to make us see and understand.
This year was not too difficult, but there was some trouble that happened at the school. We could not enter school early. There was a crisis that passed through the economic means of our country. We could not find professors. Each month the school was always closed because of manifestations in the country.
There were many blockades, we arrived at school late. They didn’t want to let us enter. The heat was very high. One class had a hundred students and their room was not large. The heat made the students who were sick fall.

Thaicha AThaicha:

In the country of Haiti things are not easy at all.  It is full of problems, like the problem of insecurity, the problem of unemployment.  People don’t find a place to stay and sleep.  People are suffering with

hunger, sometimes the hunger can even kill them.  The problem is that life is expensive, especially (when) you will pay 25 gourdes (almost $1 US) for a little bread.  Things are not good at all.

Dhimkley EDhimkley:

My problem is that life is expensive.  Besides that, in the name of the Lord, I am in insecurity.

Jempsley EJempsley:

Life where I am is a life that is truly difficult for me because I pass (experience) many tribulations.  To eat is not something easy for me.  Everything is very expensive in the country, and we don’t have the means (to pay). I want to share some words with you about the economic situation.  Where I live things are not good for me at all.  I am living a life that is truly difficult.  Sometimes I go to school hungry.  I live like that when I go to study.  It is the same way like with food, for drink, clothes, it is very difficult for me.  I want you to help me in that way so that I can live a life that is much better, and it’s only you yourself who can help me in that way.  Because my parents don’t have the means for that, because I’m suffering very much.  I want you to help me, please.

Adult Perspectives. . .



In my country there are many difficulties, like when the country is blocked, people can’t leave, hunger in a person’s body. They burn tires, throw rocks, throw bottles at you. I can’t go to school, and that really doesn’t sit well with me, because I have an objective for me to attend each day. School counts for me.Shessie 9-7-24

Here where I am, we’re so-so. We struggle with the circumstances of life, with sickness and suffering, under the crisis in the country. Life seems difficult for me. As I am here, I don’t feel I am living. I feel Haiti doesn’t have life for me anymore. I’m worried about my future. I feel that there isn’t a future for me.

The majority of young people I see end up staying in Haiti, they stay dependent on their parents. My objective is to leave the country. My dream is for me to become just like you so that I am helping other people who are in need, for me to help orphans, those in hospitals, because I fell sick. I would have been forever in the hospital without God. I would have died because the problems the doctor faced were grave and there was no gas to run the generator.

But despite all those ordeals, God made me have a year of school that was not too great, but not too bad. I went to the exams for 9th year. I am waiting for the results, but in the name of God, (I know) I passed.

I have lots of projects I would like to realize, but I cannot realize them without your help. The projects that I have, I have been working on them until now. I want to become like you, but bigger. It’s not just Haiti, I want to do it in more countries in the world. I love the work you are doing. Without your help, I would not have arrived in this class
where I am. That’s why I want to participate along with you.I wish you would help me realize my dream.

It's been a great pleasure for me. Thank you in advance. I am continuing to keep you in my prayers for God to always provide for you. I hope that you help me realize my projects.

Thank you.

Rose-TanaRosetana C:

In this moment the country doesn’t have anything good in it.  It doesn’t have security, parents cannot go to their activities, products keep rising (in price), the minister of commerce doesn’t say anything, everything is very expensive.  In this moment in the country nothing is well at all, but thanks to God the area where I live doesn’t have anything (bad), the zone is very fortunate thanks to God.

Daneshka EDaneshka:

There are many problems happening in the country.  There are many evil men who are killing people.  For myself, in the neighborhood where I stay, we don’t have any (of that).  The area is very calm, I am always comfortable.



Damaelle FDamaelle:

The difficulty that appears before us in the country is the school that becomes more expensive, supplies for school are increased, my school becomes demanding.  First necessary products are becoming really expensive. That makes us find ourselves in great difficulty in our country.



Richardson FRichardson:

Our country has many problems, but life is expensive with the insecurity.  That’s the biggest problem in our country.

Deborah JDeborah:

In the country there are many problems, like we don’t have security in the country; the problem of electricity they don’t have much surveillance (coverage); we don’t have (good) roads, people like to throw trash in the street, (and) when they clean it, they throw it again.  That’s everything I see that I can explain.

Witchy JBWitchy:

The problem in my country of Haiti is that the situation of the country and life is very expensive, and insecurity, there isn’t anything we can do here.

Peterly LPeterly:

It is with much sadness and lots of pain that I share with you the situation in Haiti.  While they often say the people of Haiti have lots of riches, there are times when those riches are not for us.  Each time you go out to enter (the town) it is with lots of shouting, because you cannot go out to enter the street, young people are making manifestations.  (Something?) fills you with maladies so you suffer in the hospital.


Adult Perspectives. . .


Wensley FWensley:

The difficulty in our country is the problem of the school, which is more expensive, and for me to go to school they ask us to pay before school even opens.  And everything we eat is becoming more expensive.  It is difficult for my parents to give me food before I go to school.


WeekenleyWeekenley J:

The difficulty in my country is when there is a leader who speaks in the country and he doesn’t work, then the people are angry and they take to the streets like crazy manifesting against that leader who doesn’t work.  Everything is blocked, everyone takes to the street to manifest.  When that happens, schools are closed, banks are closed, and there aren’t any activities (going on).

Luisiandro LLussiandro:

It is with much sadness and much pain that I am sharing with you the situation of the country where I am living.  My parents used to always say that Haiti was a rich country, but for myself, I cannot live there.  Sometimes I go to school, to enter under manifestations, they throw bottles, throw rocks, they vandalize.



Malaika MMalaika:

We cannot go to school, because don’t have gas, there is insecurity, a problem of health, even if we took all day we could not explain what can happen in the country.  She asks you only one thing, participation is important for our country.



Nerette PNarette:

Our country of Haiti is very sick.  We’re full of problems.  Life is expensive.  We have a problem of insecurity.  People are dying each day.  The life is becoming more difficult.  We cannot find food.

Hantz pHantz:

Insecurity, Life is expensive.

Evensky SVYvensky:

The life is not easy here.  Things are expensive.  You can’t buy anything.  Almost everywhere you go there is trash.  Life is not good.  There’s dust.  The roads are not good.  They’re terrible when the rain falls.  All the roads are full of water, full of mud.  The street is always dirty.  There are always blockades and all take guns.  People are dying.  When you pass by the sea, it’s full of trash.  Haiti isn’t good anymore.

Adult Perspectives. . .

Emerson PEmerson:

For myself and all my family, the difficulty we have is to buy food and buy other things we need which are important for us.  Because of the situation in the country they’ve become more expensive and we don’t have enough means for us to buy all that we need.


MirdenaelMIranael R:

It’s instability and insecurity on the street, in my mother & father’s work, that permits them to take care of us better.  Many times we don’t have the means for us to live with what they pay my parents, because everything is becoming more expensive, both school and food.

Markenley VMarkenly:

In the country of Haiti (there is) insecurity, life is expensive, misery.  I can go to school but not find food, so I’m obliged to study hungry.  That’s why I ask you to pray for me to help me find a little money for food, because I’m living with six people in the house.



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